Sunday, March 8, 2020


Students in grades 3 and 5 will be introduced to bio poems to reflect on the wonderful things about themselves and to share with others interesting facts about historical figures who advocated.

What is a bio poem?  Laura Candler defines it as a simple poem written about a person, and it follows a predictable pattern.  She adds that bio poems generally don’t rhyme, and they can be autobiographical or biographical.

Above is a sample template, just in case you would  like to try to complete one on your on.  Stay tuned to see the wonderful products our students create.

For grade 3, the gifted benchmark addressed with this learning event:
·         Gifted students will demonstrate fluent, flexible, elaborative, and original thinking.

For grade 5, the gifted benchmark addressed with this learning event:
  • Gifted students will synthesize ideas to create novel products and solutions.